Camp No Limits - Virtual Programs
Facebook Live! David and Alex Podcast (That's Totally Not a Podcast)
- Registration Closed
Please note you have to log into your Facebook account to access the live event. We will put a recording on the CNL YouTube channel.
David Harrell
Community Outreach Manager, Mentor Team Leader
David Harrell was born without his right hand and began volunteering at Camp No Limits in 2013. David’s hobbies include working out, reading, creating stories and dance parties with his wife and son. A fun fact about David is he shares his name with his grandfather, father and son.
Alex Barone
Community Outreach Coordinator, COTA, Mentor Team Leader
Alex Barone first joined Camp No Limits as a mentor in 2014. Alex’s hobbies include acting, writing, traveling, cooking and being with his Camp No Limits family:) A fun fact about Alex is that he has hands like a teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and can do a handstand for over a minute! Alex Barone was also born with Fibular Hemimelia, in which as a child he decided to go the limb lengthening route, instead of amputation. So, if any families have any questions in regards to that, Alex would be more than happy to answer any questions :)